
Category: Vision Tips

Vision Tips For A Better Night’s Sleep

We all have a nightly routine. But what we may not realize is that some… Read More

Are Your Children’s Toys Eye-Safe?

Did you know that roughly a quarter of a million children are seen in hospital… Read More

Foods That Promote Healthy Vision

We’ve heard more than once that carrots are good for our eyes. But they’re certainly… Read More

Most Beautiful Thing You’ve Seen

It’s been a long day. As you lay down in bed, you dispel all the… Read More

Eye Safety Tips For The Weekend Warrior

Many of us work long hours and have little time for activity during the week…. Read More

Prevent Sports-Related Eye Injuries

Did you know there are roughly 40,000 sports-related eye injuries every year in the U.S…. Read More

Keep Your Eyes Safe Around Fireworks

Over 9,000 fireworks injuries occur each year. Many of these injuries include eye damage—sometimes permanently… Read More

3 Reasons Our Eye Care is Unique

You, our valued patients and friends, are the most important part of what we do. When… Read More

5 Tips for Younger-looking eyes

5 Tips For Younger-Looking Eyes One of the first places we show our age is… Read More


An Allergy Season Survival Guide For Your Eyes

Spring is wonderful, isn’t it? The weather warms up, the days stretch out, and flowers bloom. However, spring also marks the beginning of allergy season!