
Category: Vision Tips

onion tears

Why Does Chopping Onions Drive Us To Tears?

Tears and a runny nose? Looks like that recipe called for freshly chopped onion! What is it about onions that sends our tear ducts into overdrive?

green smoothie

Try These Eye-Healthy Smoothie Recipes

The right nutrients help protect our eyes from the effects of aging and eye disease.

Protect Your Vision At Work

It’s Workplace Eye Safety Month! The American Optometric Association reports that over half of office… Read More


3 Tips For Protecting Your Eyes During The Winter

We typically worry about staying warm during the winter months, and think less about protecting our eyes. However, the winter months can be as hard on our eyes as the summer months.


Houseplants For Healthier Eyes And Cleaner Indoor Air

Did you know that indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air? In fact, indoor air pollutants may be 2–5 times higher than outdoor pollutants!

Knowing when it’s time for new glasses

Eyeglasses don’t exactly age quite as well as wine and cheese. Wear-and-tear is guaranteed to… Read More

Eye Safety During the Christmas Season

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! The holiday season is an exciting time… Read More

4 Makeup Tips For Women With Glasses

Today, glasses are sleek, cool and stylish. Gone are the days when they were considered to… Read More

15 Children Vision Problem Signs

If your child is struggling at school, a vision problem may be to blame. Children… Read More

11 Tips for Eliminating Computer Eye Strain

Do your eyes feel tired, irritated or dry after spending too much time on your… Read More